Filmed Memories
My mom used to have the biggest, ugliest video camera ever!
I’m sure your mom had the same one!
My brother, sister, and I would tease her so badly about it.
Especially when she was still using it when the new millennium came around!
I would get so annoyed with that huge camera in my face all the time.
However, I do need to ask for some serious forgiveness, because I just received the most special Christmas gift ever.
My mom went through thousands of videos.
Highlighted all of our most special moments.
And then copied them onto discs for each one of us.
Seventeen discs all together, from the birth of my brother to the birth of my daughter, and pretty much everything in between.
And as an added bonus, my mom was able to copy some home videos from her childhood!
Back in the early 1900′s!
No just kidding, she’s really not that old…I just have to tease her because she’s not to far from turning 50!
Praise God though that she finally upgraded to a mini tape camcorder.
We’ll get you going on those iMovies soon!
Sorry mom, I do really love you.
And I really love this gift!

And a video log?
Awesome, right?
Now it will be easy for me to find what I’m looking for.
Like this morning, I wanted to show the kids a video of me riding my horse.
Super easy to see it right away, thank goodness we don’t have to use the fast forward button anymore!

Today I am very thankful for these filmed memories.
So much love and laughter in my family as I grew up.
I miss my old house, my old puppies, my horses, and my ratty ole hair!
Thank you mom, I love it more than anything.